The recent Sony press conference covered the new PS Mobile platform, and now it has launched for the Vita (and supported Android phones). The PS Mobile storefront is easily accessed via a tab on the top-right on the storefront and gives Vita owners 20 more games to play on Mobile's launch day. Of the 20 games, Samurai Beatdown, Super Crate Box, Loot the Land, Beats Slider, Aqua Kitty, and Twist Pilot look really fun. Twist Pilot reminds me a lot of Irritating Stick, and a very similar, but far less-frustrating GBA game Kuru Kuru Kururin.  Everybody's Arcade looks like a fun mini-game collection AND IT'S FREE!

There's also one app available - Beats Trellis, which allows you to make music for only 79 cents. With Beats Slider also being that price, for a hair under two bucks, you can get some music-related fun on the system ASAP. I was excited about the PS Mobile platform before, and its launch lineup looks really good. There's at least one game for every one of the seven genre classifications available, so it's already got a bit of variety, and checking out screens before you buy the game couldn't be easier. If you've got both a Vita and a PS Mobile-certified phone, you can really get a lot of use out of the games available on the platform.