The follow-up to one of the best Gamecube games, Resident Evil 0 is finally making its debut outside of a Nintendo platform. Capcom has revamped the survival horror title with various new enhancements, including widescreen support, a new control scheme and even a new mode that puts you in control of Albert Wesker with his supernatural abilities.

With its release on multiple platforms, we are taking a look at the difference between the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC versions. The biggest difference is without doubt the potential of 60fps on PC, whereas the PS4 and Xbox One editions run at half of that. Oddly enough, despite being a thirteen year old game, we ran into a single instance on Xbox One where the frame rate dropped below 30fps, but was only when a zombie was engulfed in flames. Other than that, the PS4 and Xbox One versions seem to be equal in visual fidelity.

The PC version also supports higher resolutions and far more graphical options. Maxed out, the Resident Evil 0 on PC sports crisper textures along with additional anti-aliasing techniques. Oddly enough, the console versions support a forced depth of field effect not seen on PC. In some cases it makes the game look a little better, but really it hides all the beautiful pre-rendered scenery Resident Evil 0 has to offer.

Like most games, the PC version comes out on top with higher resolutions, a higher (and easily obtainable) frame rate, crisper textures and more anti-aliasing techniques. That by no means makes the console counterparts bad as the visuals are still impressive, but if you have the option, PC is the way to go from a visual standpoint.

Below are some screenshots comparing the three versions. On the left is the PC version, PS4 is in the middle, and Xbox One on the right.

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