Blizzard attempted to sue Bossland previously for making cheat tools for their MOBA Heroes of the Storm and lost the case, but Blizzard is back at it with the German company on their recent popular multiplayer game Overwatch. On Friday, Blizzard filed a lawsuit in a Federal Court in California declaring that the cheating tools, most notably the Watchover Tyrant, has caused irreparable damage to the company. Blizzards goes on to detail that the cheat tools "destroy the integrity of the Blizzard Games, thereby alienating and frustrating legitimate players and diverting revenue from Blizzard,".

Blizzard also claims the cheat tools are leading to unfair competition and violation of the DMCA's anti-circumvention provision, meaning that the cheat tools are using Blizzard's game in a way unintended by them. Blizzard have been very strict and aggressive on cheats in their games and Bossland's tools are in violation of this. They are also saying these tools are made through hacking their access in an illegal manner from third party contractors, thus infringing on their copyright.

Blizzard is seeking monetary compensation for the claimed "millions of dollars" loss of revenue and punitive damages to be given to Bossland.