Gamefly's known for their crazy deals and a new one is upon us. Notable deals include Borderlands 2 for $10, Tomb Raider, Far Cry 3, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, and Gears of War: Judgment at $15 each. $13 must-haves include Uncharted 3, Dead Space 3, DmC: Devil May Cry, Halo 4, Dishonored, and Dead Island Riptide. Wii U owners will be glad to see Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed and Scribblenauts Unlimited at $15, while $20 gets you LEGO City Undercover or Monster Hunter Unlimited, and $18 can get you Black Ops II, or Injustice. There are a ton of appealing deals here, so if you've got some extra money lying around, give a few games a shot.