With a snowstorm due for the northeastern United States, now's the time to enjoy some cheap games while you're snowed in. Beat Hazard Ultra, Solar 2, Dynamite Jack, Night Sky are included the latest Humble Bundle, plus beating the average of about $6.50 gets Super Hexagon and Dungeon Defenders - an Android exclusive. Beat Hazard Ultra, Solar 2, and Night Sky include OSTs, as do the above-the-average two games. Like all Humble Android bundles, Windows, Mac, and Linux versions are included as well, and several of the games are making their Android debut here. Like all Humble bundles, you can customize a portion of the money spent towards EFF and Child's Play.

BHU is an absolute must for anyone who loves both music and twin-stick shooters since it tailors the game to each song. Solar 2 looks like a fun shooter, while Night Sky is a physics-based puzzle-platformer, and Dynamite Jack is an overhead stealth/action game. Super Hexagon is a hard game to explain, but incredibly fun and addictive experience with an equally addictive soundtrack, while Dungeon Defenders offers up some tower defense gameplay and the version made available here includes all of its DLC. Hexagon and Beat Hazard Ultra make this worth paying more than the average, so snatch this up if you don't have them -- or even if you have one version, but not another, and lack their OSTs.