League of Legend's new champ select system that will hopefully solve picking problems is making its debut very soon.

Picking your role and champion in League of Legends can be the biggest pain before the game even starts. Players often want the same role and will sometimes go against the agreed upon etiquette of pick order. Pick order is first come first serve, but people that like to troll or that are fed up with getting a lower pick sometimes don't care about that rule resulting in them ruining everyone else's experience.

In comes the new champ select that allows you to choose your role and champ before banning even starts. You're then matched up with other people that want to play other roles and you pick a champ before the banning phase to help lessen your champ being banned. Theoretically it's a beautiful thing and should sound familiar. This is exactly like League's already instituted Team builder mode and if you're a fan of that mode it will unfortunately be getting the axe when the new champ select goes live.

It makes sense why. The new way to do everything is better than the old and it'll be available for normal and ranked games so why keep the old when you have the new. Whether you're excited or disappointed you can expect this change come January 13 in North America and will be used in both normals and ranked the first day. If all goes well it'll continued to be rolled out in all the other regions.