It's almost impossible to overstate how incredible Treasure once was.  Gunstar Heroes, Sin & Punishment, Radiant Silvergun, Bangai-O, Guardian Heroes, Astro Boy: Omega Factor, Stretch Panic, Ikaruga, and more made up a gaming history that any company can be proud of.  It would have been nice if critical acclaim and financial reward were linked, but the sad truth is Treasure has been dead for years with the talent that created its library scattered to the four winds.  The company technically still exists in the legal sense, much like Cave, but seeing as the last games it did were a pair of Gaist Crusher 3DS titles back in 2013/4 it's best to accept that the ride is over and appreciate the amazing work Treasure contributed to what's now gaming's history.

Or maybe, and details are still incredibly scarce, there's the possibility for one last ride.  Treasure's thirty-year anniversary is coming up and the official Twitter account tweeted out a tiny little ray of hope today.  Using Twitter's built-in translate function, the tweet reads " On June 19, 2022, Treasure Co., Ltd. celebrated its 30th anniversary! This year, the 30th anniversary, we are working hard to announce the highly requested "that" title. We look forward to your continued support of Treasure."

What does this mean?  It's impossible to say, but speculation is running rampant and you can reason your way to two possible outcomes- a compilation of Treasure classics or a sequel to one of its studio-owned licenses.  There's a lot resting on the """that" title" phrase, and of all the theories I've seen I'd think the Project RS3 option sounds the most likely (Project RS1- Radiant Silvergun, Project RS2- Ikaruga) but it's all fun but mindless guesswork right now.  Whatever it may be, though, there's something in the works at Treasure and that alone is more than enough information to fire off a tiny little spark of excited anticipation.