Earlier this year, PAX West 2021 tried to spark the return of in-person gaming conventions. And while organizers ReedPop and Penny Arcade have insisted that the event was a safe one and that things went well, the short time frame between the announcement and the event - just over two months - plus the initial lack of any vaccination requirements until a few weeks later left more than a few people wary of attending, and also made for a noticeable lack of prominent exhibitors. It wasn't the greatest sign for future PAX events, not helped by the indefinite cancellation of PAX South announced a few weeks ago.

So it was a bit of a relief that the return of PAX East 2022 was announced recently, seemingly addressing some of PAX West 2021's flaws. There's over five months until the event this time around to allow for more planning, and vaccinations and face coverings have immediately been announced as mandatory. In a bit of a shift, things are also taking place in late April this year as well as opposed to February or March, seemingly hoping that a bit of a warmer climate might help. PAX East 2022 will take place from April 21 to April 24, with badges to go on sale in the coming weeks and more details to emerge over the next few months, so here's hoping things turn out better this time around.