Remedy Entertainment's 2019 action-adventure Control appears to have gone from strength-to-strength on the sales side of things, on top of its very positive critical reception, back when it released at the end of August last year. The surreal, mind-bending [mis]adventures inside the Bureau of Control, have now been experienced by more than two million players, the Finnish developer have today announced during the company's latest Capital Markets Day presentation. What's interesting though is that Remedy claim that the period during the month of last November, saw the game's greatest success.

You may recall that it was around the same time in August of this year, it was announced that Control would be getting a seperate Ultimate Edition which came with a free upgrade to next-gen versions of the game for PS5 and Xbox Series X. However, the announcement created justified outcry from consumers over the decision to lock such an upgrade behind the Ultimate Edition; fans who had already purchased the game on other platforms, had no way of upgrading without forking over a second sum of money. The game's publisher 505 Games, didn't help matters thereafter in its attempt to explain the decision. The result, understandably, was more anger and frustration and as a result, Control's overall reputation as a very good 2019 game, soured somewhat.

Even so, discounting the controversy stirred up by the game's Ultimate Edition, Control continues to be celebrated as arguably Remedy's best work thus far when it comes to narrative, world-building and artistic design. A welcome addition to the studio's portfolio that lists equally-beloved titles Max Payne and Alan Wake alike.