Remember when The Witness was a launch window game for the PS4?  Good times, good times.  The initial scheduling plans may be shot but that doesn't mean The Witness has gone anywhere, and instead Jonathan Blow and his team have been using the time to grow and develop the game to its full potential.  Now, with only four months left on the development clock, it's time to finalize the release date at January 26, 2016.  While the post on the Sony blog contains the fine details, and the trailer is tagged with the PS logo, The Witness is actually launching on both PS4 and PC same-day.  There's a big, beautiful island with roughly a billionty puzzles (by actual count) to solve, with 80-100 hours of gaming for the completionists who won't stop at anything less than 100%, so when you aren't bashing your skull against another line-drawing challenge you can relax and enjoy the peaceful open world that you've got all to yourself.