Having already released to relative success on Steam this year, Metal Unit is now headed for Nintendo Switch. Once it arrives on June 17, a new group of fans will have their chance to don the M-11 suit set out both reclaim humanity's lost home and uncover secrets they may very well have been forgotten for good reasons.


Metal Unit is a game made in the 2D side-scroller mold, but it's also had an infusion of roguelike elements. Additional playthroughs are thus a major part of the experience, with each granting players more opportunities to gather experience and unlock better upgrades for their mech suit. Supposedly, the more upgrades one acquires, the more they can tailor their suit to suit their playstyle.

The game also features two difficulty modes: Normal and "Hell," and one can bet that the latter is going to require a very beefed-up mech suit. With lots of bosses and a large variety of enemies running around on the future Earth, it's definitely not going to be easy to save what's left of humanity.

Metal Unit is available now on PC via Steam, and it will be on Switch as of June 17.