With the latest No Man’s Sky NEXT trailer No Man’s Sky is looking like a very different game with third person views, multiplayer in full swing and intense space battles.

For the past two years Hello Games has been busy as bees working on all sorts of updates for No Man’s Sky with Pathfinder, Foundation, Atlas Rises and now NEXT. Chances are if you’ve passed on No Man’s Sky due to all the poor news following it’s launch then you’ve been missing out on a game that has seen consistently good updates and a community that is as eager to play as Hello Games is to keep updating their baby.

Get ready because next week on July 24 No Man’s Sky NEXT will be available for free to all players on PC and PS4, not including its new home on Xbox One (also July 24 release). See the full trailer for No Man’s Sky NEXT below:

[embed width="696" height="392"]https://youtu.be/h3HphgSn0o4