The task should be simple: observe some squirrels and find out where they stash their nuts. However, observing the squirrels in NUTS will likely be anything but simple. Far from the ordinary rodents most people see each and every day, the squirrels found in NUTS' Melmoth Forest are a rather strange bunch. Collecting strange objects, exhibiting unusual behavior and generally doing things squirrels shouldn't. What exactly is going on? Its on the player to both find out and document it.

As a junior researcher in NUTS, players will have to figure out the best way to arrange their cameras to capture evidence of whatever is actually going on with these squirrels. Once it's captures, then all one needs to analyze it and send it back to Viago University for review. There's a bigger question here though: why is a university interested in these squirrels at all?

NUTS launches on January 22 for Apple Arcade, and it will also come to the PC and Switch on February 4. In all cases, the game will sell for $19.99 with a fifteen percent discount during launch week.