Fans of atmospheric puzzle adventures can look forward to the upcoming XING: The Land Beyond releasing next week for PlayStation 4 and PlayStationVR. We play as a protagonist transported to the world of XING, an afterlife dimension, where we must uncover secrets about who we are and why we are there. Gameplay is mainly exploration with environmental puzzle solving. We'll be able to use elements like rain and snow to help solve these puzzles and bypass areas.

Along our journey, we will meet trapped spirits that belong to each area. Each spirit has a tale to tell us about who they once were and will help guide us through each area by giving us clues about the environment and puzzles we'll solve. Their hope is that we can free them from this state of limbo so that they can move on to oblivion. The title is currently available for PC, and will have exclusive PlayStation 4 content when it releases. The title will also feature VR support for the growing selection of PlayStation VR titles. XING: The Land Beyond releases on PlayStation 4 this February.