The post-apocalypse has always been a popular setting for media, but lately it seems like dystopia has been overshadowing a it a bit. The themes are certainly not incompatible; quite the opposite in fact. So, it would only make sense for some developer to come along and combine the two. It seems polish game developer Paradark Studio thought so too, because that's exactly what they're attempting to do in their newly-announced title: "Exekiller."

Exekiller takes place in an alternate reality where seventy percent of humankind is wiped out by something called the "Great Fire Disaster." Governments fell, large corporations took over, and now everyone is monitored (and sometimes controlled) by biochips known as "S.O.U.L.s. ." It seems there is no refusing the chip either, as it's literally proof of one's existence.

Players step into the shoes of an "Exekiller:" a bounty-hunter who hunts done those deemed to be outlaws and collects their S.O.U.L.s. As the game's trailer says: "the only law is a loaded gun," so it's entirely up to the playerr whether or not to collect their bounties. They're the one with the gun after all. In the process they'll supposedly be able to enjoy several styles of gameplay, collect interesting gadgets, deal with harsh weather conditions and traverse several regions as the post-apocalyptic version of an Old West gunman.

Exekiller will eventually be coming to PC via Steam.  No release window or additional platforms have been announced as of yet.